Thursday, December 9, 2010

Christmas Time!

I lovee Christmas more then I love snow. It's not even about the presents, thats actually my least favorite part. I'm not much of a receiever, I'm more of a giver, so I love giving presents. I love sitting around a fire, drinking hot chocolate, watching christmas movies. Christmas music is awesome to do homework with. I also love walking around Rotary Lights, and everybody you pass wishes you a happy holidays, or a merry christmas. I feel like everybody is so happy around this time of year. You never get too old to celeberate christmas, make cookies, and even visit Santa. I just wrote a letter to Santa and put it in his mail box:) Christmas time if finally here!


I was so extremely excited after our first snow storm! All that snow made it feel like christmas is coming really fast, which is my favorite time of the year, but that will be in my next blog post! I love playing in the snow, for about a week, and then i get sick of it. I love making snow men, and having snow ball fights. Plus the Rotary Lights are so much prettier when it's surrounded with snow. Oh snow, it wouldnt be Wisconsin without it.:)