Friday, September 24, 2010


For me, Oktoberfest is like my birthday and christmas put together. I absolutly love Oktoberfest, it's my favorite time of year. Many people, however, believe that Oktoberfest is just a beer fest, which is not the case at all. Oktoberfest started back in 1810 in Munich, Germany with a marriage. Oktoberfest U.S.A, which is what it is called here in La Crosse, is extremely popular. The Grand Maple Leaf parade is the fifth largest parade in the United States, and La Crosse is in the top ten areas in the world to visit for Oktoberfest. Oktoberfest in La Crosse has so many other things built into it besides just beer. Yes, a lot of people do drink during Oktoberfest, but that's not what it is all about. Oktoberfest in La Crosse was already in progress last year, but offically started weeks and weeks ago. The first member of the royal family, Miss La Crosse Oktoberfest was chosen on September 11th. The royal family is made up of the Festmaster and his frau, Miss La Crosse/Oktoberfest, Mrs. Oktoberfest and her husband, the torch light and maple leaf parade marshalls and their wives, and the Grendier Generals. Besides just three parades every year for Oktoberfest, the Opening day/Taping of the Golden Key parade, Grand Maple Leaf Parade, and Torchlight parade, we have many more activities. Hertiage Night is popular, as is the fest grounds. Oktoberfest is a great time of year for everybody to bring their cheer! :)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Miss LaCrosse Oktoberfest pageant 2010

This year was teh second time I ran for Miss LaCrosse/ Oktoberfest. Once again, I didnt win, but the experience was amazing. One of my close friends, Elizabeth Kramer, won. Through the practices we've had the past two months,every tuesday and thurdsay, ive gained some of my best friends. The other nine contestants have become really good friends of mine that I'm really lucky to have gotten the chance to spend so much time with. I also got the chance to talk to Miss Wisconsin 2010, Kimberly Sawyer, and her sister Katie. They are super nice, and fun. I feel super lucky to have gotten the chance to experience this once again. I know that when the time is right, I'll win the pageant, but for now, I'm happy I didnt.

ohh concussions.

How the heck do you get a concussion at Chuck. E. Cheese? leave it up to me. I work at Chuck, and last monday I fell and hit my head on the salad bar. I felt like I was dying, of course not literally, but you know. I spent a bunch of time in the emergency room, only to find out that I had blunt head force trauma,and I couldnt go to any of my classes for a week, to much thinking in my doctors words. It wasnt very fun, at all. I also got the concussion five days before my pageant, which sucked as well. Oh well I guess.